

Individual results

2023 Melvin Storbacka 104 Silver Medal
2023 Emil Ryd 105 Silver Medal
2023 Alvin Palmgren 217 Honourable Mention
2022 David Mörtberg 170 Bronze Medal
2022 Joel Westerling 203 Bronze Medal
2022 Erik Bryland 209 Honourable Mention
2022 Alve Lindell 227 Honourable Mention
2022 Isak Fleig 269 Honourable Mention
2021 Debdut Sengupta 178 Bronze Medal
2021 Liam Antonsson 180 Bronze Medal
2021 Adam Johansson 242 Honourable Mention
2021 Aki Silander 256 Honourable Mention
2019 John Ivar Oliver Lindström 98 Silver Medal
2019 Sven Anders Mattias Akke 177 Bronze Medal
2019 Lennart Küssner 192 Bronze Medal
2019 Markus Thomas Swift 210 Honourable Mention
2019 Benjamin Zander Erland Verbeek 212 Honourable Mention
2018 Adam Warnerbring 181 Bronze Medal
2018 John Ivar Oliver Lindström 197 Bronze Medal
2018 David Hambraeus 206 Bronze Medal
2017 Adam Warnerbring ≥137 Bronze Medal
2017 Lukas Finnveden ≥239 Honourable Mention
2016 Oskar Vallhagen 167 Bronze Medal
2016 Aletta Csapo 183 Bronze Medal
2016 Erik Tegler 202 Bronze Medal
2016 Albert Johansson 237 Honourable Mention
2015 Åke Andersson 154 Bronze Medal
2015 Peter Hallstadius 209 Honourable Mention
2015 Ida Svenningsson 239 Honourable Mention
2014 Mattias SebastianSjö 206 Bronze Medal
2014 Joel Daniel Andersson 274 Honourable Mention
2014 Johan Tobias Nordstrand 297
2014 Carl-Joar Karlsson 306
2014 Nils Henning Rydström 342
2013 Emil Ejbyfeldt 224 Honourable Mention
2013 Andréas Sundström 244 Honourable Mention
2013 Henrik Gingsjö 245 Honourable Mention
2013 Mattias Ekre 332
2012 Johan Runeson 134 Bronze Medal
2012 Carl Smed ≥272
2012 Simon Johansson ≥272
2012 Viktor Djurberg ≥272
2012 Andréas Sundström ≥272
2009 Rikard Lundmark 199 Honourable Mention
2008 Carl Andersson 223 Honourable Mention
2007 Viktor Ogeman 180 Honourable Mention
2007 John Konig Walles 192 Honourable Mention
2006 Frisk Kockum Anton 194 Honourable Mention
2006 Robin Zenlander 237 Honourable Mention
2006 Martin Andreasson 242 Honourable Mention
2004 Erik Månsson ≥135 Honourable Mention
2002 Fredrik Tolf 173 Honourable Mention
2002 Arvid Kastel 181 Honourable Mention
2000 Gerald Cooray 30 Bronze Medal
1999 Gerald Cooray 64 Silver Medal
1999 Patrik Sundberg 157 Honourable Mention
1999 Johan Levin 206 Honourable Mention
1997 Robert Johansson 129 Honourable Mention
1995 Per Emil Rutquist 99 Honourable Mention
1995 Karl Mattias Sandberg 101 Honourable Mention
1995 Per Samuel Rydh 113 Honourable Mention
1994 Nilsson Mattias 69 Honourable Mention
1993 Erik Larsson 57 Bronze Medal
1993 Hans Bornefalk 104 Honourable Mention
1992 Frykholm Niklas 67 Honourable Mention
1992 Persson Anders 74 Honourable Mention
1992 Andreasson Fredrik 78 Honourable Mention
1992 Strombergsson Andreas 80 Honourable Mention
1991 Mats Lundberg 43 Bronze Medal
1991 Peter Grenholm 49 Bronze Medal
1990 Lars Larsson-Cohn 40 Bronze Medal
1989 Mika Nyström 24 Silver Medal
1989 Stefan Jacobsson 44 Bronze Medal
1989 Simon Ekström 85 Honourable Mention
1989 Johan Axnäs 87 Honourable Mention
1988 Mats Persson 11 Silver Medal
1988 Hans Olsson 24 Silver Medal
1988 Daniel Bertilsson 26 Silver Medal
1988 Gunnar Farnebaeck 60 Honourable Mention
1988 Lennart Bengtsson 65 Honourable Mention
1987 Patrik Pettersson 26 Bronze Medal
1987 Martin Erikson 47 Honourable Mention
1987 Tomas Eriksson 60 Honourable Mention
1987 Håkan Hjalmers 61 Honourable Mention
1987 Ojvind Johansson 62 Honourable Mention
1986 Kalle Åström 45 Honourable Mention
1986 Lotte Beskow 48 Honourable Mention
1985 Thomas Palm ≥12 Bronze Medal
1985 Lars Aronsson ≥29 Honourable Mention
1985 Torbjörn Söderberg ≥29 Honourable Mention
1985 Håkan Svensson ≥29 Honourable Mention
1984 Anders Eriksson ≥31 Honourable Mention
1983 Anders Eriksson 40 Honourable Mention
1983 Mans Henningson 45 Honourable Mention
1983 Anders Lunblad 49 Honourable Mention
1982 Hans-Olof Kuylenstierna 13 Gold Medal
1982 Johan Sköld 21 Silver Medal
1982 Niklas Dellby 29 Silver Medal
1982 Anders Rantzer 33 Silver Medal
1982 Mikael Rittri 54 Bronze Medal
1981 Torbjörn Ledin 22 Silver Medal
1981 Dag Wedelin 28 Bronze Medal
1981 Anders Svensson 42 Bronze Medal
1981 Bjorn Ottersten 48 Honourable Mention
1981 Jan Carlsson 55 Honourable Mention
1979 Lennart Beierson ≥27 Honourable Mention
1979 Lars Ulander ≥27 Honourable Mention
1977 Björn Danielsson 30 Bronze Medal
1977 Ove Hanebring 43 Honourable Mention
1977 Mikael Olsson 48 Honourable Mention
1976 Mats Carlson ≥15 Bronze Medal
Results may be incomplete or incorrect. Please send the relevant information to the webmaster: iphounofficial@gmail.com.
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